
Friday, 17 May 2013

Short type Questions with Answers from Invertebrate

(21) Name two aquatic respiratory structures of the arthropods ? Cite example.

(Ans) :- Gills, lining of the branchiostegite, epipodite.
             Found in Crustaceans.

(22) Name one Poiferan animal where spicules are absent. Mention the subclass of that animal ?

(Ans) :- In Oscarella spicules are absent.
             Subclass- Tetractinellida.

(23) Mention the characteristic features of nervous system of Chiton ?

(Ans) :- Protoneurous condition where the nervous system is without any definite ganglionic function.

(24) State the functions of Tiedman's body & Pollian vessicle ?

(Ans) :- Tiedman's body may produce coelomocytes.
             Pollian vessicle are apparently for fluid storage.

(25) What is Atoll ?

(Ans) :- Atolls are reefs that encircle a lagoon but not an island. These types of reefs typically slope rather steeply into the deep water at their seaward edge.

(26) Why pulmonatans are so named ? Cite an example.

(Ans) :- In this molluscs true gill absent & respiration is done by pulmonary sac or lung, as the pulmonary sac is respiratory organ so they are named as pulmonatans. Mantle cavity form the pulmonary chamber, the inner surface of which is highly vascularised.

Example :- Achatina fulica

(27) What is Mesenchyme ?

(Ans) :- Embryonic connective tissue ; irregular or amoebocytic cells often embeded in gelatinous matrix, prominant in poriferan animals.

(28) What is Ampulla ?

(Ans) :- Membranous vesicle ; dialation at the end of each semicircular canal containing sessory epithilum, muscular vesicle above tube feet in water vascular system of echinoderm.

(29) What do you mean by Coenosarc ?

(Ans) :- Within the stems of colonial polyp, material that like links the individuals, containing the gastrovascular cavity & surrounded by the perisarc.

(30) What is Kinetodesma ?

(Ans) :- Fibril arising from the kinetosome of a cilium in ciliate Protozoan & passing along the kinetosomes of cilia in that same row is known as kinetodesma. All the kinetosome & kinetodesmata of a row of cilia is named as kinety.

(31) What is Cilium ?

(Ans) :- A hair like vibratil organelle process found on many animal cells. Cilia may be used in moving particles along the cell surface or in ciliate protozoans for locomotion. Each cilium contains nine pairs of longitudinal microtubule arranged in a circle arround a central pair "9+2" tube of microtubules in cilium is it's axoneme.

(32) In which phylum do you find a mantle ? Where does the mantle originate from ?

(Ans) :- In phylum mollusca mantle is found. Two folds of skin, outgrowths of the dorsal body wall, form a protective mantle.
Mantle is responsible for the secretion of the shell.

(33) Name the different types of pseudopodia & state their characters with example.

(Ans) :- (i) Lobopodia- Large blunt extensions of the cell body containing both endoplasm & ectoplasm.

(ii) Filopodia- are thin extensions, usually branching & containing only ectoplasm.

(iii) Reticulopodia- repeatedly region to form a net like mesh.

(iv) Axopodia- Long thin pseudopodia supported by axial rods of microtubules.

(34) Locomotion & function of Chlorogogen cells?

(Ans) :- In annelida coelomic fluid contain four types of corpuscles, chlorogogen cells are one type of coelomic crpuscles.

Function :- Help in removal of excretory products out of body.

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