
Monday, 20 May 2013

Affinities and Systematic Position of Balanoglossus With non-chordate

Affinities with non-chordates :-

(B) With Pogonophora :-

(a) Similarities :-

(i) Coelom → Enterocoelic

(ii) Nervous system → Intraepidermal

(iii) Gonads → In trunk region

(iv) Pericardial sac → Present

(b) Dissimilarities :-

 Main nervous system
 concentrated at
 Alimentary canal

Remark :-

Young (1983) opposed the resemblances between the two groups (as stated by Barington,1965; Parker and Haswell, 1972; and Mc Ferland et al, 1985), claiming the similarities are superficial.

Affinities with non-chordates :-

(B) With Echinodermata :-

(a) Similarities :-

(i) In Adult Form :-

(i) Coelom → Divisible in 3 successive parts anterior-posteriorly.

(ii) Nervous Plexux → Subepithelial

(ii) In Larval Form :- 

Tornaria resembles Bipinaria in.

(i) Pre-oral ciliated bands → Present

(ii) Cleavage → Holoblastic & equal

(iii) Apical Plate → With a turf of cilia.

(iv) Blastopore → Become Anus in adult.

(v) Enterocoelic coelom → Present.

(b) Dissimilarities :-

(i) In Adult Form :-

 Water vascular system
 Pharyngeal gill slits

(ii) In Larval Form :- 

 Eye-spot in apical plate

Remark :-

Based on resemblances; Hemichordates & Echinoderms are thought to be originated from some common remote ancestor (Hymen,1959) and Barrington,1965). H.B fell (1963) denied it on the ground that similarities were due to larval convergence in similar mode of living.

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